“I have invested my self, time and resources with the best coach Sumaiya, Believe me, I am a very difficult person to open up with anyone, I usually hesitate a lot although She made me feel comfortable and her way of being nonjudgmental to me have helped me a lot to open up easily and it also cleared my emotional blocks.
My challenges, my fears were many she always redirect me toward courage and strength. I remember the day once my Coach Sumaiya made me imagine the 8 door of Jannah, surely you can enter from any … ان شاء الله beautiful.”
-Umm Y
“One year has passed since I started to take coaching from you wow it was amazing! My session is full of discussion, and I see a positive change on myself. I absolutely loved working with you, my coach Sumaiya
She is a great listener, patient, and compassionate. She is kind to me I have learned many things from her. Now I know my challenges and my strengths and I overcome my fears I feel relaxed and comfortable with her. I can message her anytime when I feel something disturbing me and she gives me help accordingly.”
-Umm Usman
“Alhumdulillah after almost 3 to 4 months of getting coaching from you, I am feeling a lot of positive impact on my relationship with the kids. Now they have started to talk to me without fear because I have started to listen to them. I can say sorry and thanks too. I am learning a lot of little things that are giving me confidence, especially with my younger son who was lost due to my anger. I have also learned how I can improve my married relationship and I am making efforts Alhumdulillah. I tried everything but never worked on myself. Now I am happy that I changed myself after getting coaching.”
-Umm Abdullah
“I highly recommend her to many of my friends and family. She is the most beautiful and kind person. Indeed where I am now and what I am now that’s all because of my Coach Sumaiya. My achievements and my success are due to her good and creative support. الحمدلله
Thank you so much”
-Umm Ahmed
I always feel motherly care while taking sessions with you...now I can feel the happiness from your messages too... a lot of prayers always for you and the mumkin platform team...it was the first step to rebuilding my personality, regaining my lost self-esteem, to improving my shortcomings……...you are the one who guided me step by step during this journey to reach my destination of finding my lost personality...
I have no words to say thank you...
May Allah give you the best reward in both worlds...ameen
Dr. A. N
Sr Sumaiyyah is a very beautiful person at heart, with so much graciousness, patience empathy, and excellent mentoring skills. She can see your potential and help you see it as well. Your time conversing with her will be well spent.
At the end of a coaching call, I feel heard and acknowledged and develop new insights into myself.
I am still developing my clarity, but I feel that will be a journey, not a destination.
Dr Umm Suleiman (GP in Sydney)